Teravin Tools is a family owned business, which has been established since 1967.
Teravin Tools stocks and distributes a full range of metal cutting tools and associated products which include Carbide Inserts, Toolholders,
Boring Bars, Insert Drills, Milling Cutters with Inserts, HSSE & Solid Carbide Cutters, HSSE taps, Morse taper shank drills, HSS & Carbide Jobber Drills,
Arbors, Adaptors, Collets, Collet chucks, Dividing Heads, Vices, all machine tool accessories etc...
Teravin's internal sales team offer full support to appliacation engineers, distributors, end users, logistics and marketing for all partners.
Thank you for sharing your valuable time in understanding ours business.
For any enquiries please email jack@teravin.com.au or call 0418 910 504